Major US Defeat
Major US Defeat In Fallujah Claimed
Lions Of Fallujah Hail
Major Victory Over US ForcesBy Muhammad Abu NasrFree Arab Voice And Omar Al-Faris, JUS12-17-4
A massive US ground offensive on Fallujah yesterday has ended in humiliating defeat for the Americans. While dust storms disabled US airpower, matters were further complicated when Allawi troops fled the battleground after 15 minutes of fighting and Mujahideen launched devastating attacks under the cover of poor visibility.
In a new development on the Fallujah battlefield, US forces attempted to wage a massive ground offensive on the city yesterday to destroy the center of the Resistance in the south of the city, but were repulsed by the Mujahideen. In news received from Mafkarat al-Islam, the details on the situation were revealed in a report filed at 7:20pm last night Mecca time.
Shaykh As'ad ad-Dulaymi, official spokesman for the city's Mujahideen, said that more than 400 US tanks and 200 armored vehicles took part in the attack along with about 4,000 US troops, in addition to support from Allawi "national guards," in what was the biggest massing of US forces in the battle for the city so far. No other attack of this scale had been mounted either in this offensive or in the first siege of Fallujah in April 2004. Ad-Dulaymi said that the Americans apparently wanted to make today the last day of the resistance in Fallujah.
US forces began to amassing troops at 8am, local time yesterday that required Mujahideen, to move out of the al-'Askari and al-Wahdah neighborhoods and into the southern part of the city where they could help defend the main center of the resistance in the an-Nazal neighborhood.
Shaykh ad-Dulaymi said that the American attack began at 10:30am. Just fifteen minutes into the battle, the Allawi "national guard" fled from the battle field, and ultimately from the whole battle zone, leaving the US forces to fight the Mujahideen alone. With the Allawi troops out of the way, US forces had to take up front line positions.
The first sign that the Americans were beginning to falter came at about 12 noon when US occupation troops also began to flee from the battlefield, abandoning their weapons. The gradual collapse of the US lines continued until victory was granted to the Mujahideen at 3:15pm when the US troops began their withdrawal from the battle field towards the east and to the Nuwwab ad-Dubbat, al-Mu'allimin, and the Jami' al-Aqsa areas at the northern extremities of Fallujah adjacent to the railroad tracks.
US forces used loudspeakers to call for a one-hour truce in order to remove their wounded from the battle theatre. The Americans addressed the Mujahideen by saying "If you are real fighters, then display chivalry." The Mujahideen responded with hand-held microphones from a mosque, reading out a statement written by Shaykh Abu As'ad ad-Dulaymi in which he said that Allah had commanded them "not to have faith in the Christians, Jews, and infidels among you." He said, "You speak of chivalry now after you have suffered the pain and humiliation of punishment. So taste what you have been promised." The Mujahideen read Shaykh ad-Dulaymi's statement four times while the Americans made their same appeal dozens of times over.
US warplanes initially took part in the attacks on the city, but at 1:30 pm, US bombers dropped "friendly fire" on a unit of US troops by mistake, due to poor visibility. The air campaign was subsequently halted.
Shaykh ad-Dulaymi said that it was impossible at that time to give an accurate count of US losses, but that 90 clouds of thick black smoke mixed with flame were rising into the sky - signs of destroyed US vehicles, most of them Abrams tanks and Bradley armored vehicles. He said that the Mujahideen pursued the retreating Americans who fled along various routes and that there were indications that some Americans had been taken prisoner.
Shaykh Abu As'ad ad-Dulaymi praised the mercy of Allah for the fact that as the Americans gathered for battle at 8am the skies were clear, but then winds began to pick up and intensify until by 9am there was a yellow dust storm blowing that reduced visibility to less than 10 meters. This allowed the Mujahideen to take cover from the aircraft and tanks and to move about with ease being accustom to these conditions while the dust storm paralyzed US forces.
The American defeat Wednesday is the biggest American defeat ever in the city of Fallujah since the start of the US aggression against it. It is evident that the Mujahideen have learned their lessons very well from earlier attacks. It should be remembered that yesterday's storm was a factor that worked to the great advantage of the Mujahideen while preventing the Americans from using their airpower. In addition, the storm distracted US troops on the ground while facilitating surprise guerrilla attacks by the Mujahideen that sowed great confusion in the ranks of the Americans however the situation is fluid and remains volatile.
Iraqi Resistance speech on videotape December 13 2004
Rush transcript-
Communiqué Number 6
The media platoon of the Islamic Jihad Army. On the 27th of Shawal 1425h. 10 December 2004
People of the world! These words come to you from those who up to the day of the invasion were struggling to survive under the sanctions imposed by the criminal regimes of the U.S. and Britain .
We are simple people who chose principles over fear.
We have suffered crimes and sanctions, which we consider the true weapons of mass destruction.
Years and years of agony and despair, while the condemned UN traded with our oil revenues in the name of world stability and peace.
Over two million innocents died waiting for a light at the end of a tunnel that only ended with the occupation of our country and the theft of our resources.
After the crimes of the administrations of the U.S and Britain in Iraq , we have chosen our future. The future of every resistance struggle ever in the history of man.
It is our duty, as well as our right, to fight back the occupying forces, which their nations will be held morally and economically responsible; for what their elected governments have destroyed and stolen from our land.
We have not crossed the oceans and seas to occupy Britain or the U.S. nor are we responsible for 9/11. These are only a few of the lies that these criminals present to cover their true plans for the control of the energy resources of the world, in face of a growing China and a strong unified Europe . It is Ironic that the Iraqi's are to bear the full face of this large and growing conflict on behalf of the rest of this sleeping world.
We thank all those, including those of Britain and the U.S. , who took to the streets in protest against this war and against Globalism. We also thank France , Germany and other states for their position, which least to say are considered wise and balanced, til now.
Today, we call on you again.
We do not require arms or fighters, for we have plenty.
We ask you to form a world wide front against war and sanctions. A front that is governed by the wise and knowing. A front that will bring reform and order. New institutions that would replace the now corrupt.
Stop using the U.S. dollar, use the Euro or a basket of currencies. Reduce or halt your consumption of British and U.S. products. Put an end to Zionism before it ends the world. Educate those in doubt of the true nature of this conflict and do not believe their media for their casualties are far higher than they admit.
We only wish we had more cameras to show the world their true defeat.
The enemy is on the run. They are in fear of a resistance movement they can not see nor predict.
We, now choose when, where, and how to strike. And as our ancestors drew the first sparks of civilization, we will redefine the word “conquest.“
Today we write a new chapter in the arts of urban warfare.
Know that by helping the Iraqi people you are helping yourselves, for tomorrow may bring the same destruction to you.
In helping the Iraqi people does not mean dealing for the Americans for a few contracts here and there. You must continue to isolate their strategy.
This conflict is no longer considered a localized war. Nor can the world remain hostage to the never-ending and regenerated fear that the American people suffer from in general.
We will pin them here in Iraq to drain their resources, manpower, and their will to fight. We will make them spend as much as they steal, if not more.
We will disrupt, then halt the flow of our stolen oil, thus, rendering their plans useless.
And the earlier a movement is born, the earlier their fall will be.
And to the American soldiers we say, you can also choose to fight tyranny with us. Lay down your weapons, and seek refuge in our mosques, churches and homes. We will protect you. And we will get you out of Iraq , as we have done with a few others before you.
Go back to your homes, families, and loved ones. This is not your war. Nor are you fighting for a true cause in Iraq .
And to George W. Bush, we say, “You have asked us to ‘Bring it on’, and so have we. Like never expected. Have you another challenge?”
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